Donna’s features hardened. "That bitch and her tight ass mother did that to you. If it weren’t for them, two, you would have never had to go away from home. Christine Westmiller always had it in for you trying to cause trouble and break your marriage up. Zoey believed her mother instead of obeying you. Someday they’ll get theirs." She gripped the steering wheel tightly. "You can count on it." She reached over and gave Jackson’s hand a quick squeeze. "Do you think you can forget about that place, Jackson?"
"Probably not. At least not for a while." He grunted as he drew a deep breath. "It does feel good to be free, Ma. No one looking over my shoulder, watching my every move, and telling me what to do and when to do it. The nights were the worse. All the screaming and crying." He gritted his teeth.