About Me

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I'm Susan K. Droney and I write in several genres: children's books, mainstream fiction, thrillers, mysteries, and sensual/erotic romances. I am published by Torrid Books, World Castle Publishing, and Devine Destinies. Please click on the book covers or visit my website at: http://susandroney.com to read reviews, excerpts or to order my books.

Wednesday, November 29, 2023

Excerpt Wednesday – Murder In The Pinelands

A twig snapped behind him, startling him. He aimed his flashlight toward the noise. The light flickered and went out. "Damn," he muttered. Another twig snapped. Aaron twisted his head in the direction of the sound as snapping twigs drew louder. Evan and the girls were getting even with him. That was it. They wanted to prove he wasn't as brave as he'd boasted. He relaxed a little.

"Not funny, man," Aaron called out as he peered into the pitch-black woods. "I know you're there, Evan. Are Jensyn and Kennedy with you?" The snapping twigs stopped. "Come on, Evan. You've made your point," he called. He glanced around himself. "What the hell?"

His voice caught in his throat as two red glowering, what he assumed were eyes glared back at him. Aaron tried to run, but fear kept his feet frozen to the spot as the glowing red eyes blinded him. His headache intensified, and he slumped to the ground.

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Wednesday, November 22, 2023

Excerpt Wednesday - Shattered Vows

Farrel struggled to hold back her tears. Why couldn’t her husband be this gentle all of the time? This same scene played out over and over after his abuse. She had it memorized. Robert would act as though nothing had happened, and even express surprise at her bruises and deny responsibility for her injuries. His excuse would be that she happened to be in his way and stumbled, or that she was imagining the abuse and then feign shock that she could ever think he would hurt her. Robert even offered to help her find a counselor for the mental and emotional problems he insisted she had. Sometimes she wondered if she was losing her mind. Her daughters witnessed many of his attacks, but his answer was always the same. They were lying about him because they hated him and wanted to make him look like a monster to the world. Farrel knew that somewhere within himself, he knew his guilt. He had to.  

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Wednesday, November 15, 2023

Excerpt Wednesday - All I Want Is You

Looking at this handsome stranger brought to the surface long dormant feelings, which caused her heart to flutter as she glanced into his beautiful kind eyes. That was all it took, a glance. The unaccustomed emotion stunned her for a few seconds, and she quickly shook it off, hoping the others hadn’t noticed even though she felt the heat rise to her cheeks.

 She smiled faintly and nodded. "If you’d like, Caleb," she answered softly. "I’d love to have you join us." 

"Thank you. I would like to join you," he replied. "I haven’t gone looking for a Christmas tree in a long time, not since..." His voice trailed off. 

Tom slapped Caleb on the back and said quickly, "Good. I can use the help loading the tree." 

Rachel witnessed the sorrow in Caleb’s eyes, which left as quickly as it had come. She felt a pang of sadness for him, remembering what Kate had said about the sudden death of his wife. Holidays must be extremely difficult for him. She couldn’t imagine what pain he was experiencing and prayed she’d never have to. She hoped Caleb could find some joy in sharing the rest of the day with them. He’d certainly given the children joy today in his role as Santa, and she assumed he received even more in return, watching the children’s excited faces. Hopefully that helped to ease some of his pain.

Wednesday, November 08, 2023

Excerpt Wednesday – Revenge

Donna’s features hardened. "That bitch and her tight ass mother did that to you. If it weren’t for them, two, you would have never had to go away from home. Christine Westmiller always had it in for you trying to cause trouble and break your marriage up. Zoey believed her mother instead of obeying you. Someday they’ll get theirs." She gripped the steering wheel tightly. "You can count on it." She reached over and gave Jackson’s hand a quick squeeze. "Do you think you can forget about that place, Jackson?"

"Probably not. At least not for a while." He grunted as he drew a deep breath. "It does feel good to be free, Ma. No one looking over my shoulder, watching my every move, and telling me what to do and when to do it. The nights were the worse. All the screaming and crying." He gritted his teeth.


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Wednesday, November 01, 2023

Excerpt Wednesday – The Stalker

He began to relax. Finally, he had friends, and he owed it all to Rebecca. She wanted everyone to get to know him. 

Don’t drink that poison, Jeremy. They’re trying to weaken you, the demons warned. 

Luke threw an arm around Cassi. Jeremy watched as his fingers softly massaged her bare shoulder. He stole a look at Rebecca wishing he were rubbing her shoulder as her head rested on his chest. 

Nicholas sat down next to Rebecca and carefully put an arm across her shoulder, drawing her close to him. She rested her head on his chest, then ran her fingertips up and down his arm. 

No! he silently screamed. No, I’m supposed to be the one holding her and touching her. The demons ridiculed him. We warned you, she doesn’t want you, they laughed. He gulped down the rest of his beer, forgetting about the bitter taste. He had to quell the rumbling erupting inside of him.

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