About Me

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I'm Susan K. Droney and I write in several genres: children's books, mainstream fiction, thrillers, mysteries, and sensual/erotic romances. I am published by Torrid Books, World Castle Publishing, and Devine Destinies. Please click on the book covers or visit my website at: http://susandroney.com to read reviews, excerpts or to order my books.

Wednesday, July 31, 2024

Excerpt Wednesday – Angel's New Friends

 Stand Alone Book From The Adventures Of Angel

"What are you going to do today?" Butterfly asked. 

Angel wrinkled her nose. "I'm going to find some new friends to play with!" she announced as she hopped away. 

"No, you can't!" Butterfly warned, nervously flying around Angel in circles. 

"I'm a big girl," Angel stubbornly answered as she washed her face.

 "Besides, I heard Froggy telling neighbor Groundhog that he met some very nice forest animals on his vacation." 

"But you'll get into trouble, Angel. Those animals and insects aren't our kind. You have to stay in the garden." 

"I don't care, Butterfly. I'm going to see who's in there," Angel said and scurried into the dark forest. 

Wednesday, July 24, 2024

Excerpt Wednesday - Revenge

 "I’ll give you your release instructions on your final visit. I’ve already gone over most of it with you. Take your medication as prescribed and report as scheduled to your outpatient counseling sessions." Dr. Gilbert Simpson shifted his heavy body in his large well-worn, stiff wooden chair, as he looked hard at the twenty-eight year old, dirty, blond-haired, blue-eyed, husky, square-jawed man sitting across from him. There was no doubt in his mind that Jackson Bridges was deeply disturbed. 

Jackson eyed the doctor coldly. He shoved his hands into his jeans pockets. "You don’t like me. I could tell from the first day I met you." He shrugged his broad shoulders. "That’s okay because the feeling’s mutual, Doc." 

Simpson kept quiet as he studied him. Without the proper daily supervision and medication the hospital gave him, he would snap again. It was only a matter of time.


Wednesday, July 17, 2024

Excerpt Wednesday – The Stalker

 He watched from the window, the same streaked window he stood in front of every morning. He’d been watching her for ten long years. He licked his lips in anticipation, and his heart thudded irregularly in his chest just like it did every time he knew he would be seeing her. He moved the curtain slightly to get a better view. She was coming, and his heart raced. She bounded out of her door, hands tightly gripping those of her ruddy-cheeked, carrot-topped twin boys. He wished he could hear what she was saying, just as he wished it were he whom she was smiling at and talking to. The children continued looking at her, laughter in their bright eyes as their cherub faces smiled while she talked. 

How he longed to hear her voice speaking to him again, but it was only etched in his memory forever. He watched as her boys scurried onto their school bus. She smiled and waved even long after the bus was out of view. How he ached for her all these seemingly endless, lonely years. Being apart from her angered him and brought the demons closer to the surface, forcing him to lurk even further in the shadows. The shadows were his only solace, where he could watch her with no one telling him it was wrong or that he was a freak. Time was passing quickly, much too quickly. He had to make a move. It was time to come out of the shadows and finally claim her for his own.

Available in Paperback and Ebook


Wednesday, July 10, 2024

Excerpt Wednesday – Over The Edge

 Maggie gazed out of the kitchen window at the thickening clouds then slowly stood up, scraping the chair across the worn linoleum floor. She hoped the impending rainstorm would give some relief to the heat. She was restless tonight, and a feeling of loneliness overtook her. She hated these melancholy moods. Sometimes they’d creep up out of nowhere, almost suffocating her. 

She eyed her meager possessions. This was all she had to show for years of her hard work. It hadn’t always been this way. Once she had everything she ever wanted or could possibly want, but that seemed like a lifetime ago. Right when she was at the top, an error in judgment caused her to topple and land in a crumpled heap back down at the bottom. All she could do was lie there wondering what had happened and try to claw her way back to the top. But that was never to be again. Her life would have to begin anew. 

Today she lived in a tiny, rented, rundown trailer, barely able to afford the monthly rent and utilities. She was grateful to have her job as a waitress, even though it paid only minimum wage plus whatever tips her customers gave her. She had quickly learned that a customer would be more willing to part with his hard-earned cash if she were friendly. In time she felt a distinctive bond growing with the regulars, as they became the family she yearned for, filling the empty void within her. Her friendliness toward them soon became less forced and instead genuinely sincere. Maggie had grown accustomed to their stories and jokes, and when they talked about their families and adventures, she felt like she was a part of their lives. 

Available in Paperback and Ebook


Wednesday, July 03, 2024

Excerpt Wednesday – Silent Dreams

 He moved closer to Blaine. "Stand up," he said softly, extending a hand to help her to her feet. 

She cocked a suspicious eye at him. "Why?"

 "Because I asked you to," he answered in the same soft voice. 

Blaine smirked, shooting a sideways glance at Kami as she noted Josh’s expensive suit and the ease with which he wore it. She assumed that his classic movie star looks and obvious wealth made him think he could demand whatever he wanted whenever he wanted it. "Who do you think you are?" Her voice was icy. "No offense, Kami, but I am definitely not impressed. Someone should have taught your friend some proper manners." 

Josh kept his eyes on her as his lips turned up into an amused, but at the same time, eerie smile. 

"Just do as he asks," Kami said in a low voice. 

Blaine’s eyes narrowed. "Why should I?" Her voice dripped with sarcasm. "I don’t know who you think you are, but you certainly don’t impress me." She folded her arms across her chest. 

Josh laughed. "We’re going to get to know one another very well before this night is over." 

"I don’t think so," she replied disgustedly. "Maybe you’re used to women throwing themselves at your feet, but I’m not one of them. I am definitely not interested in anything you have to offer." 

He inched closer. "I don’t give a damn what you are or are not interested in." His eyes traveled over her body.

Available In Paperback and Ebook
