About Me

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I'm Susan K. Droney and I write in several genres: children's books, mainstream fiction, thrillers, mysteries, and sensual/erotic romances. I am published by Torrid Books, World Castle Publishing, and Devine Destinies. Please click on the book covers or visit my website at: http://susandroney.com to read reviews, excerpts or to order my books.

Wednesday, September 18, 2024

Excerpt Wednesday – Hearts On Fire

 "It’s about time that you took some time off," Annabel said. "You work much too hard," she gently scolded. "I worry about you, Em. Why do you do it? You certainly don't need the money."

Emily threw her head back and laughed. "Believe me, there have been times I’ve asked myself the same question." She grew serious. "What would I do if I didn’t write? That’s all I’ve ever done or ever wanted to do. I don’t know how I’d fill all those empty hours."

"Well, I for one can think of many more pleasurable pursuits," Josephine interjected. "Such as physical pursuits."

Annabel chuckled. "You’re wicked, Jo. I swear you have a one track mind."

"It keeps me happy and satisfied." She pointed a slender finger in Emily’s direction. "It might do you good to have an old-fashioned roll in the hay."

Available In Paperback and Ebook  


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Wednesday, September 11, 2024

Excerpt Wednesday - Revenge

 Jackson Bridges leaned against his red pickup truck as he watched Christine Westmiller fussing over her husband and daughter’s graves. A burning rage began in the pit of his stomach. Zoey had been trouble from the start and he wasn’t sorry she was dead. He loved coming here to the cemetery. He enjoyed witnessing Christine Westmiller’s pain. He hoped the bitch suffered for the rest of her life. 

As the weeks, months, and then years passed, his boiling rage only increased. He was still haunted nightly with nightmares about the hospital with all those crazy people. He doubted that after two years, the dreams would ever go away. Christine Westmiller needed to suffer even more. She had to pay for her part in his being locked up like a caged animal. He scowled as Christine stepped into her car. He jumped into his truck and gunned the engine.

Wednesday, September 04, 2024

Excerpt Wednesday – The Stalker

 Jeremy sat on the bus, staring blankly out of the window. He heard the familiar echoes and tightly closed his eyes for a few seconds. 

You almost blew everything! they shouted. 

But I didn’t, his mind screamed back at them. He popped his eyes back open, then cautiously looked at the other passengers. No one made eye contact with him. They were involved in their own private thoughts. He settled back in his seat as the bus stopped and passengers got off and new ones got on. 

It’s a good thing we were there to help you keep your cool. Forget Rebecca. She’ll never be your girlfriend, they hissed. 

Yes, she is! his mind shouted, repeatedly trying to drown out their screeching, hissing voices. He’d concentrate on Rebecca. Thoughts of her brought a smile to his lips. He couldn’t wait to see her again. As he willed himself to focus just on her, he chased the demons to the far corners of his mind.

Available in Paperback and Ebook
