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I'm Susan K. Droney and I write in several genres: children's books, mainstream fiction, thrillers, mysteries, and sensual/erotic romances. I am published by Torrid Books, World Castle Publishing, and Devine Destinies. Please click on the book covers or visit my website at: http://susandroney.com to read reviews, excerpts or to order my books.

Wednesday, May 22, 2024

Excerpt Wednesday - All I Want Is You

 Rachel’s eyes clouded. She couldn’t tell her friend that Caleb had stirred something in her, something she’d never felt before. She had to brush those feelings aside. "I know what you’re trying to do, Kate. I told you last night that I’m perfectly happy with my life just the way it is. I don’t have the time or energy to focus on a relationship. My job and Ethan are about all I can handle right now." 

Kate lifted a suspicious eyebrow. "What do you think I’m trying to do, Rachel?" 

Rachel pursed her lips. "You’re trying to set me up with Caleb. Admit it, Kate. I can see right through it." 

Kate held up a hand. "I swear I’m not, but you have to admit he’s not only gorgeous, but nice. You said so yourself, and Ethan likes him." She drew a deep breath. "Okay, I admit it. I thought if you two met each other you might be able to help one another. You’re both too young to shut yourselves away from the world. You already have something in common." 

"I know your intentions are good, but did it ever occur to you that some people never get over their grief?" 

"It has, and I personally don’t think it’s healthy." She shrugged. "You have to admit, he’s gorgeous." 

"Okay, I admit he’s good looking, kind, and Ethan is enjoying his company." She sighed heavily. "If things were different—" 

"Just what does that mean, Rachel?" Kate demanded, cutting her off.

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